
1 (1kg) slab salmon fillet/loin
1/8 tsp pepper
4 cloves garlic, finely crushed into a paste
1/2 pack cream of mushroom powdered soup mix, solids sifted out
1 (2 g) tbsp snipped parsley
1 (160 g) pack MAGNOLIA QUICKMELT CHEESE, grated


  1. Pat dry salmon and rub with pepper and garlic.
  2. Cover generously with mayonnaise and then sprinkle or sift soup mix all over until well covered.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven set to 300oF for 40 minutes or until crust forms and becomes golden brown in color.
  4. Combine cheese and parsley. Put out salmon from oven and top evenly with cheese-parsley mixture. Bake again just until cheese melts, about 3 minutes. 


Makes 8 servings

(Yield: 1 slab/ 1 slice per serving)           



  • Fresh fish should have firm and shiny flesh, that springs back when pressed.
  • Substitute cream of mushroom powdered soup mix with cream of corn.
  • Use a sieve to sift cream of mushroom soup powder evenly on mayo surface.
  • Serve with sautéed veggies on the side.
  • For ease in handling, quickly freeze Quickmelt cheese before grating.
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